Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Darling Day

Lekha mam was my favourite when I stepped into MY campus clinching Amma's hands as a 4 yr old kid..crying just because the Lilliput crowd around me was doing the same for no reason. I enjoyed crying at 12 PM everyday just because the grown up personality inside me was suffering from a severe Smell Disorder. Quite funny!!! But I couldn't control my tears as I opened the snack packed with bananas and a pale yellow fork, surrounding me with that pungent smell of multiple aromas from various kitchens. I could still smell it with the threatening voice of AAYA Aunty ...yeah... that's how we called the caretaker of kindergarten. She still looks young and vibrant with a few grey patches and wrinkles at the corner of her eyes, when I met her last month. Life leaves behind a lot of unreachable memories, when philosophy teaches you to "LIVE IN THE PRESENT" which is absolutely impossible!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think that snack time scenario is experienced by almost all the kids around the world going to school!!
